Sarlie Drakos
Please Go Through Everything Before your Session
Common Questions
1. How do you usually work with clients?
In Short:
My goal is to help you get a job that you love and that pays you what you deserve. I do this by providing one-on-one disability employment coaching, mentoring and tailored resources that will leave you feeling empowered by your disability and confident about the recruitment process and entering the workforce.
The real reason:
Many people with disabilities want to find a job but feel as though their disability is making it impossible to get hired. They feel frustrated because employers are only able to see their disability rather than their skills and abilities, and the only jobs that appear to be “within reach” have extremely low wages or are unfulfilling.
You may be feeling anxious about entering the workforce due to negative experiences or discrimination that you’ve encountered in the past. You are unsure about when and how to speak to employers about your disability and feel as though you’ve tried everything but aren’t getting anywhere. You have applied for dozens or even hundreds of jobs online but never hear back from employers, which leaves you feeling deflated and hopeless.
You have a lot of potential and are longing to find work that gives you meaning and purpose in your life. You know that if you were given the opportunity to work then you would do well but are just not sure how to make these opportunities happen.
What you do to change this is stop applying for dozens of jobs and start focusing on the quality of a handful of applications. You will also understand how to attract recruiters and employers to you, giving you more free time. You will become clear about the value that your lived experience with a disability can bring to a company and know the correct way to share this information with potential employers so that it doesn’t ruin your chances of getting hired.
I have spent years speaking to employers, recruiters and hiring managers to understand what they think and how they feel about hiring people with disabilities. I have used these insights, in addition to my marketing, psychology and disability employment knowledge to provide you with strategies on how to create a job application that employers will actually read and combat the misconceptions associated with having a disability so that you can find a job that you love quickly and easily. Because I want your transition into the workforce to be as smooth as possible, I will also provide you with guidance about assistive technology and disability support services that can help you at your new job.
2. What can I expect from the call?
We will discuss what you believe is holding you back from getting hired. Once we are both clear about the main barriers you are facing when it comes to securing work, then we will talk about what your goals are. If we determine that working with Sarlie is your best next step toward achieving your employment goals, we’ll talk about that. If it ends up not being a fit, we’ll still point you in the direction of resources that will help you.
3. Who is Sarlie Drakos?
When I was 21, I started losing my eyesight unexpectedly due to a rare condition called Stargardt Disease. Unfortunately, my eyesight continued to worsen over the years that followed, and I ended up getting fired from my marketing job because I was making too many mistakes. At the time I thought that I would never be able to work again and felt extremely lost, helpless, and alone.
Luckily, I was introduced to a lady named Cassie about six months after losing my job. Cassie told me that she had the same eye condition as me, and that she was legally blind and still able to have a fulfilling career. My conversation with Cassie had completely changed my life! I decided to stop making excuses for myself and started learning about assistive technologies and support services that can help people with disabilities. Then, I worked on my resume, started networking, and learnt strategies that can be used to share your disability with an employer.
Due to my new recruitment strategies and self-advocacy skills I managed to get hired as a rock climbing instructor, a job that many people said would be impossible to do with low vision. I then decided that I wanted to have a more meaningful impact on people’s lives and got a job as a disability employment consultant.
For the past three years I’ve had the privilege of helping other people with disabilities push past their limiting beliefs and get their dream jobs. I’ve also consulted councils and advocacy groups about how to make their workplace and the community more inclusive for people with disabilities.
I love being able to help other people who have experienced the challenges that I have gone through. There is truly no better feeling than witnessing someone become empowered and start living the life that they’ve always dreamed of!
• Bachelor of Arts Majoring in Marketing Communications & Advertising
• Bachelor of Arts Majoring in English Literature
Some People We’ve Worked With
Vu Nguyen
“Where do I begin. Sarlie has been great, not only with being able to help me look for work but also giving me the confidence and belief that anything is possible with the lack of vision I currently have. Sarlie has also offered her own personal time if I had any questions or concerns about anything which I will forever be grateful for. Thank you Sarlie.”
Jo Macgregor
“From the first contact Sarlie made me feel at ease and could relate to all I was feeling and going through. From that very first meeting up until this point in time, even though I am now out of her area of support she is still giving me assistance over and above what would normally be expected.
Without Sarlie I would no doubt be in a worse mental state and nowhere near my living and working standard that I am today.
Thanks Sarlie very much.”
Jasmine Cosgrave
“Working with Sarlie to achieve my goals to become an independent member of the workforce was amazing. Sarlie is an amazing consultant and very understanding and catering…She taught me how to do resumes and cover letters, tips and tricks for my interview as well as helping to set up a pre-interview to calm my nerves and get ready for what to expect in the interview.”